Welding Test

It is the mission of the Joint Apprentice Committee of Iron Worker Locals 40 & 361 to prepare our members to be the best trained and safest Iron Workers in the industry.
Welding School
We can issue A.W.S Certification For:
- Pipe Welding 6G
- Stainless Steel for Pre-cast
- Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW)
- Stick Welding (NYC License)
Please contact us at info@nycironworkers.org if you are interested in any welding tests.
Journeyman Extension Program
Certified by the American Welding Society (AWS) as an accredited welding facility allows us to administer exams as well as issue certifications for Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW), 6G Pipe and Stainless Steel welding. Test plates can be examined on site by one of our AWS certified welding inspectors. With 33 welding booths, we conduct welding classes three to four nights a week to help our Journeymen sharpen their skills for any of the AWS exams mentioned above or for the New York City and/or New York State welding tests. The New York City test is offered every April and November, the New York State test is offered multiple times throughout the year as often as our demand requires. Along with the welding we offer our Journeymen any of the classes that are offered to our apprentices (see above) along with additional courses such as New York City MTA Track Training.
As new training and safety courses are developed they will be implemented into our curriculum to keep our members and contractors the leaders in the construction industry.